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1 / 35

1. Civilization is the state of development of a …..

2 / 35

2. ………….. were rulers of Egypt..

3 / 35

3. Pharaohs were rulers were ancient—

4 / 35

4. Mahatma Gandhi has written the lesson—

5 / 35

5. Gibbon is associated with—

6 / 35

6. Europeon civilization will méan ….. for India. [18A, I.A.]

7 / 35

7. ‘Simple living and high thinking’ is the base of —

8 / 35

8. Indian glory is that it is—

9 / 35

9. ………….. Was a spiritual leader than a politician.

10 / 35

10. ‘My Experiments with Truth’ was written by-..

11 / 35

11. The mind is a restless …………… the more it gets the more it wants.

12 / 35

12. The people of Europe learn their lesson from the writing of the man of ……

13 / 35

13. “Plain living and high thinking’ is the motto of –

14 / 35

14. Sacrifice is the sole aim of our —

15 / 35

15 …….. is dead against blind imitation of western civilization.

16 / 35

16…….were satisfied with small villages.

17 / 35

17. Has civilization taught us to be more … towards one another?

18 / 35

18. Our ancestors injoyed ………….. Rule.

19 / 35

19. Wealth and luxuries do not make a…… Happy.

20 / 35

20. Gandhi Ji went to Champaran in ….

21 / 35

21. The people of Europe are inspired by. ……… and Roman writers.

22 / 35

22. The invention of …………… proved a milestone in our development.

23 / 35

23. He wrote different articles for —

24 / 35

24. Civilization points out to man —

25 / 35

25. To observe morality is to attain mastery over —

26 / 35

26. The mind is a restless bird which always remains —

27 / 35

27. Happiness is largely a —

28 / 35

28. Mahatma Gandhi was more a —

29 / 35

29. He used as the chief weapons —

30 / 35

30. Our ancestors dissuaded us from —

31 / 35

31. Poeple in ancient days were satisfied with —

32 / 35

32. Our forefathers saw that kings and their swords were inferior to-

33 / 35

33: In ancient days the common people followed —

34 / 35

34. Modern civilization is the worship of —

35 / 35

35. Indian Civilization and Culture’ has been written by —

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