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Class 10th English Lesson 01 The Pace For Living (prose)

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1. “The Pace for Living’ is written by :

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2. In “The Pace for Living’, the writer captures the agony of …. man.

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3. The main character in the play which the author saw was a/an …….corn-merchant.

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4. The author admits that quick travel does not give the traveller the real …… of travel.

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5. Slow thinkers have a disadvantage when it comes to earning a :

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6. R.C. Hutchinson was a …………

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7. Where did the author see a play in which a corn-merchant was the chief character ?

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8. Who had the fantastic notion of spending £ 10 on a holiday ?

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9. Who was cheating the corn-merchant ?

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10. Who didn’t dislike the rapid movement of life?

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11. Who did like fast travelling?

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12. Which word in the passage stands for worship ?

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13. Which tribe did the author belong?

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14. How many girls were there in the film ?

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