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Class 10th English Lesson 08 Little Girl Wiser Than Man (Prose)

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1. In this story, the author shows how little children sometimes behave in a more mature manner than :

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2. Malasha put down her foot and splashed dirty water on to Akoulya’s :

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3. Malasha’s ….. came out and started scolding Adoulya’s mother.

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4. The old woman tried to make everyone understand that as it was Easter, the day should be spent :

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5. The two girls forgot their ….. and became friends again.

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6. Who is the author of this article ?

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7. Where did the two little girls meet ?

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8. Who had dressed them ?

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9. Why where the two girls dressed in new clothes

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10. What was in the yard ?

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11. Till where did the water reach ?

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12. Who splashed water on Akoyla’s frock ?

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13. Why was Akoulya’s mother angry ?

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